World Profit Review

Overall Rating and article of review

Type of Business: Home Business Training and Affiliate Marketing

Skill Level Needed: Beginner to Advanced

Income Potential: Worldprofit is a training system in affiliate marketing and has an optional business program and never makes income claims


Recommended: Yes, 5 stars

World Profit by David Harrisson

“World Profit”, owned and operated by George Kosch CEO, and Sandi Hunter President and found at, is a famous internet affiliate marketing company that is loaded with endless positive testimonials from a lot of very happy people.

Aside: I pride myself on reviewing sites I've joined by never ever promoting another opportunity under my review which can be good, bad or ugly. You see, reviews for the most part about the best companies are mostly negative. These are followed by something like "Top 5 Recommended Internet Businesses" which of course point to affiliate links either owned by that site or the reviewer. If you see this... run run run... as these are always false. YouTube, scam this, scam that sites and I've done that are most notorious for these "crap" reviews.

I usually run into a moderate amount of registered grievances on many of the business opportunities when first researching for review, however, it is rare to see such an enormous amount of fantastic testimonials like were found in favor of World Profit. I am even including some testimonials here in the comment section below, and that was before I got to change this from a business submission into a review.

Most scam “biz opps” use a reputation cleaning method known as scrubbing to get rid of bad or negative internet presence by filling the search pagers with nonsense and fake reviews to push the real info way down. So far down that most people won’t go as far as 40 or 50 pages of search material. The majority of people “googling” only go as far as page 2 maybe even 3.

World Profit has such an incredible reputation after 23 years in business that it looks like it would be a great way to get started online. That said, we will now look into why World Profit is so successful. At a $99.95 a month, it’s inconceivable that a company like World Profit would rip people off since the hosting package and business tools alone are worth more than 5 times this amount.

Worldprofit's CEO presents a 20 minute video full of straight talk about how their system works in detail along with a clear and concise description of all of their services which include advertising on their thousands of sites.

Their affiliate program works mostly in favor of the company's new Silver Members since they have the training and tools to get started in the best way possible. Their free program also gives anyone a great way to learn about how business works online without any cost. There is no limit on the free Worldprofit Associate membership.

World Profit is clearly in the business of helping entrepreneurs make money from driving traffic to the company's landing pages and also giving members specific training on how to direct that same traffic to their own opportunities and affiliate programs.

Sure, World Profit has tools and training that shows you how to drive visitors to one’s site, sell traffic exchanges and “safelists”. However, the traffic they get you to bring in is of great quality if you learn the secrets to conversion. World profit excels like no other in this aspect of their training program.

The reason is that most of the visitors will be redirected to World Profit’s sales pages, and that traffic is the key to their member's success. If by some chance some one buys something off the World Profit affiliate ID links you post and advertise you would get commission, World Profit makes no income claims which is why they are a no hype program.

Getting people to sign up to World Profit under you is a very easy task since they give you a fantastic "copy paste system". Some newbie entrepreneurs learn incorrectly that most of the visitors either are already signed up or the traffic has little to no interest in your link therefore little to no value to you because they are doing the same thing you are, which is completely false.

World Profit is a legitimate online business training program simply because they provide lots of training information, but it’s mostly on how to help you profit and learn how to promote your affiliate programs. Again this is awesome! 

Although there is information to look over, the World Profit sales page designs and much of the info are up to date and with their landing page builder system it allows members to create unlimited landing pages, squeeze pages and more on their own website, that's right, they own the site and manage everything.

The amount of time it takes to not only learn but to go around trying to get others to buy from or sign up under you at World Profit is vast and mostly easy to learn. Many testimonials I’ve viewed are not only praising the owners, but just about every one of them talks about how World Profit has changed their lives for the better.

I wanted to summarize by saying that World Profit, after over 23 years online, hides nothing. They teach people the cold hard facts about earning money online and how it takes work and more work to achieve success.

Keep up the good work World Profit, thank you for reading my review.


World Profit Member Testimonials

"It must of been the best day of my life when I came across Worldprofit. For years I tried making money on line, but with no, or very little success. The bootcamp training I receive can be compared to nothing else it covers all aspects of online internet business and is continually. Friday mornings with George Kosch is exceptional, he is a master at his craft. Then there is Sandi Hunter who is there to help in all the back room issues. I believe if you want to succeed in this business you need Worldprofit. Don't take my word for it have a look your self. Pam Sudo"

- Pam Sudo Huntfield Heights, Sa Australia

"I've been with Worldprofit almost 2 years. Shortly after joining, I became a platinum member, got a wonderful website with that package, and was in business! However,... ... about 3 months into it, I got a job with a company that does online e-commerce sales of name-brand, manufactured athletic apparel (shoes, mostly - guess who). Due to the conflict of interest clause in that contract, I could not work on my Worldprofit nor any other websites involved in e-commerce, except theirs for 1.5 years while I was there. Nevertheless, when that contract ended, I just happened to check my paypal account (which I had also not been using all that time) and found I'd made over $400 DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! That's how good Worldprofit works! Join NOW, you will not regret it! Furthermore, I will add that, while I've been in internet marketing since 1998, I've spent over $20,000 on one opportunity after another and bought two "1-on-1 Coaching/Training" packages with a couple of those opps, and it was ALL wasted money! ONLY Worldprofit offers you 24/7/365 LIVE people, provides email and support with relatively instantaneous responses, whereas most of the opps I'd previously purchased could not even be reached by such means. I can assure you... THIS IS WHERE YOU BELONG... that is, if you're really serious about wanting an online business of your own that actually works and makes money! Jesse Josserand - Platinum VIP Member"

- Jesse Josserand Eagle Creek, Oregon USA

"Hi l have been working with Worldprofit for only a short time, but in that period l have come a long with their help and through their training which has shown me the way to make life happen. So l would say take the first step in taking control of your life and get the things you require and prosantion is the ememy. Take that first step now and come on onboard with a Great Company. "

- Barry Brooklyn cambridge, cambridgeshire uk

"Thank you WorldProfit for providing me the tools, training and traffic to succeed in this highly competitive industry! Just following the bootcamp training lessons has given me a “leg up” on others interested in making money from home. I found the training very precise and simple to duplicate. I highly encourage those interested in an online business to use the tools provided here at WorldProfit. Anthony Stewart and family, Platinum VIP members for life!"

- Anthony Stewart Peachtree City, Ga United States

"I wanted to submit this unsolicited testimonial, because, having been part of Worldprofit (WP) for about 21 days or so now and following the system, I felt it was important to give feedback, bearing in mind there are STILL tons of other online marketers, who are obviously struggling, but refuse to look outside of their current marketing promotions One of the MAJOR reasons for me partnering with Worldprofit was this... I have my own business education consultancy, which is in the High Ticket Affiliate Marketing model ( HTAM) helping home business owners grow their existing business. Now previously to partnering with Worldprofit, I had been extensively marketing through facebook, because that is the way to do it...allegedly!), however posting in facebook groups is not going to get you very many results, because with over a billion active users, all doing the same thing, your post gets very quickly lost and sign ups rare... So Unless you use facebook ads, which can be expensive to run for the sorts of numbers you require, or you post and share from your fanpage. Doing that has the same effect as using facebook ads ( it gets seen in your timeline and the only cost is time) Now for my business to grow, good quality targeted traffic is required. The solution for that, lies, very simply in safelist, solo, banner & traffic exchange advertising, all of which are where the home business target market is. Having considered a variety of traffic solutions, it quickly became apparent, that Worldprofit offered me the traffic I was looking for... so it was a no brainer for me and for anyone looking at this venture, a free trial should at least be taken. To attract that market in, very good offers and landing pages are required. In the short time I have been using this exceptional system, I can say that the traffic from the sources provided by the excellent tracking system, has been first class, even from a couple of sources I thought were dud previously. The traffic packages offered, are without question some of the most competitively priced on the internet, providing brilliant value. I was a member of some traffic exchanges and safelists before and had always refused to upgrade, simply because I was unsure of the quality of the traffic With Worldprofit... that is not the case, I have upgraded and brought strategically, both as needed and advised to do & they WORK I am very happy with this superb system, which has everything a home business owner / online affiliate marketer needs. Keep up the good work. Dave Hayes"

- Dave Hayes Aldwick, West Sussex United Kingdom

"I wanted to say something Important! I spent the last 5 years looking for and paying for the answers you get as a Worldprofit member for free. I tried every do it now program and paid only to find out the down payment was the beginning to a dead end. Stick around (FREE) Learn (FREE) Make some money (FREE). You will never find all of this media, training, advice, and coaching all in one place for under $100.00 and that is just the Guru landing page. LOL I am here to stay. Thanks George. Kevin Silver Member by choice.."

- Kevin Deadder Castro Valley, CA US

"As an Internet Marketer, one of the problems I faced was lack of focus. The Silver Package with Worldprofit gave me one place where I can market all of the ideas, products and services I can dream of. With the WP system of training, services and technical support, I have been able to launch several websites and develop a clear business model without having to throw away a product prior to testing it. By using the more than 30 potential income streams with Worldprofit, I have been able to shorten the learning curve and position myself for at least seven streams to wealth. The availability of "live" monitors makes it expecially nice to do business with people from other parts of the USA and the world. With Worldprofit, there are basically no time zones. Trained monitors are available to talk to my prospects 24/7 and I receive a notice by email or text to my phone if I desired. The "Who's Logged In" feature alerts me by email whenever a prospect is on any one of my web pages, and I can immediately choose to join them online while they are showing interest in what we have to offer. I wish I had known about Worldprofit many months ago when I was struggling to make sense of marketing online, banner exchanges, affiliate marketing, autoresponders, and more. The Affiliate Marketing and home business Bootcamp is invaluable to anyone who wants to learn how to profit on the Internet! Thank you George Kosch, Sandi Hunter and your team of business partners and staff."

- Cynthia McKelvy Richmond, CA US

"I will keep this testimony as short as possible but you must understand I suffer with the "Word Syndrome", which causes me to describe everything when writing anything, lol. But, it is 5:30 am this Thursday morning and I have just watched another video about how to generate leads through 3 simple steps. I am always willing to learn so any new info I can grab I will. But as the video was ending the guy said something that really hit home and here is what it is. He was sharing all the bonuses that came with the software and every time he named one, a banner flashed before my eyes. That banner simply had one word on it, WORLDPROFIT. Nothing he said was new to me because I already had it in my Worldprofit membership. This is what and where so many of us go wrong in building our businesses. We are always looking for that missing piece that will pull our business to the top or fill the gapping holes that exist in our business structure. If you are a member of Worldprofit you already have everything that is already out there. We may call it something different, but believe you me, George and Sandi had already put it into our memberships. The one point is, do we believe or not. This belief must be supported on us doing our due diligence. I had to learn this the hard way, but I learned. Listen, if you are looking for a way to successfully build any business, search here first. If you are trying to get more leads look here first. If you have no idea of where to start or if you haven't decided what your business will be about, look here first. That money that you are spending on that next shiny object, the next great thing, or anything like that, stop wasting your money. Spend it here, Why? Because after 20 plus years of proving themselves, Worldprofit still is heads and shoulders above all the rest. And I am not asking you to do anything that I wouldn't do. I am upgrading my membership today!!!!! Won't you stop losing and join us. Stop searching and take a real look at what George and Sandi have to offer. You know, George And Sandi get tickled sometimes at the way I address them when I need them. I always say Mr. Kosch or Ms. Sandi. Not because I have to, but because of my respect for what they have done and are doing to help others. So again, stop searching and join us. It's free to join, after you join take a good look at what we have here, and if you decide to upgrade and become a full member, I guarantee you will make money. But this making money is only guaranteed when you apply what you are seeing. ****That's a Mike Harris Guarantee. Hold me to that word and dedicate yourself to your own success, and you will see exactly what I have learned. It's all here, join us. Mike***The Happiest WP Member Ever*** "

- Michael Harris Danville, VA USA

"The support received at Worldprofit is top notch, fast, friendly, efficient, effective and right on point. If you have a problem, they help you solve it. If it is a technical problem, George puts his expertise to work on it. If you have difficulty with any of the training, they guide you through. If, like me as an older, disabled person you forget something, they gently set you on the right approach. They have helped and guided me for several years, first as a free member and now as paid member. I realize I've offered superlatives regarding this program, but that is what they are about- a step above the rest. The products work well. The training is ongoing and fully covers the subjects and not enough good things can be said about Worldprofit support services."

- David Todd Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai

"I have been searching for a lucrative online buisness for the past 7 years. They all promised the world but once I joined, they delivered very little. Then I found Worldproft. I will never look back. Worldprofit not only delivers on the promise, they exceeded my expectations. Don't wait on this folks. If you are looking for a solid home business that really works, then this is for you. "

- Danette Braunstein East Palestine, OH US

"I am a blind person,...and I have been working at internet marketing since 2005... The first thing I look for in a program is "Accessibility"... I found "Worldprofit" from one of the "safe list ads" on the internet. After looking at the ad,...clicking on it, and entering into the "live conference room" I relized that there were "real people" in there!... I was impressed by the program,...amd the hands on approach of the community. So I signed up for the free package first,...after "kicking the tires", I upgraded to the "silver package"... I don't know why I haven't heard about this program long ago,...but I am sure glad I found it!... For a blind internet marketer,...I am just in "Marketing Heaven",...I have no "accessibility" issues what-so-ever... There is, however, the ongoing issue with the "Captcha" boxes, which is a total nightmare for blind people,...I plan to see what "George" will suggest concerning this matter... So in summery,...I give "Worldprofit" the "Pure Marketing Awesomeness Award"!!!..."

- Kevin Brown San Angelo, TX USA

"Thanks to Worldprofit, today I am just starting Silver member and searching for training. "

- Vladimir Ugrik KURANDA, Queensland AU

"Happy New Year 2013! I just want to take this moment to thank Worldprofit for pushing the envelope and telling it like it is! I have been a member of Worldprofit for several years, and my productivity was low, with good reason. I fell off the wagon, as it were. However, my marketing efforts have increased since last Saturday.   I took the challenge to promote more frequently and to pay for some ads. Well, I use a lot of free advertising, and However, in my busy schedule, I somehow forgot to buy some solo ads, or login in ads and I had stopped being consistent! Just this week I checked the AdTracker in my Worldprofit back office and my numbers more than doubled right away, Then my numbers trippled. When I checked this first day of January, I had a new Dealer to welcome to the team! Now, I need to get back and check my numbers in the AdTracker, and promote! Promote! Promote!"

- Cynthia McKelvy Richmond, CA US

"I have been a dealer with Worldprofit now for a few months and am truly delighted with the support and expertise that is so generously given at all times.The quick helpful responses from Sandi Hunter and Justin are very much appreciated when one is starting out in uncertain territory. The Plugins are awesome and I am having huge response to my blog and article directory. The new Article directory that we have access to is so helpful and the articles are expertly written. Comments continually stream in to my posts. The training and videos that George Kosch has made available are like gold and I have found that by going over and over them as I have time,I am acquiring knowledge and understanding of the processes involved in growing a successful Online business. Thank you to all staff and founders of this fantastic company."

- Brenda Shaylor Mandurah, Western Australia Australia

"My advice to anyone who wants to earn money online is to drop everything they are doing and pay attention to what World Profit has to offer. There is not a need to go anywhere else to learn how to market whatever you need to market on the internet. George Kosch and Sandi Hunter are the brightest when it comes to how to earn a living in the highly competitive online arena and without their years of expertise and help, one could not do it alone! If there is anyone who is thinking about becoming a part of World Profit and has not yet, they certainly owe it to themselves to become a part. I truly can't say enough about the integrity of the company, the great products included in the program which are an absolute bargain, and most of all the people who stand behind it all....thanks to George and Sandi for making my life so much better! What you are teaching me will transcend far beyond and I hope make the world better for it! My rating for Worldprofit? Can I choose an 11? You guys are over and above a 10. Nobody else can compare!"

- Kim Little Mentone, Al

"I have learned and continue to learn more about marketing then I knew possible. The tools and training offered at Worldprofit are priceless."

- Kevin Fletcher Phoenix, AZ

"I say many times a day, I love Worldprofit. My reason making money. This is the only site I have made money unlike so many others that depleted my savings. Worldprofit offers it ALL, Training (live and planned lessons), many products to sell, 24 hour sales closing assistance, pre written ad examples, high graphic landing pages and many many more. What you will find at Worldprofit is eager and kind members willing to help you in anyway. No question is too small or unimportant to ask. I volunteer to Monitor so I can tell everyone coming into the Worldprofit Live Business Center THIS is the place to make money. If you have lost a lot of money STOP here you will make money. Also, we have many freebies and bonus just for upgrading to Silver Membership."

- Jane Clark Hartselle, AL US

"Hi admin, I had been doing some money online now and then, but not steadily like I am doing right now with "Worldprofit" and the training is just great. One more thing: I have got "Everything" I need for my online success such as "Training and Tools" all in one Place and this is invaluable as far as I am concerned. My advice is: If you want to learn the ropes of internet marketing and become a real "Pro" sign up with Worldprofit, period! But do as you are told and your success is assured. I am a living proof. Celestin Kanga"

- Celestin Kanga Brou Madrid, Madrid ES

" I just signed up and for the first time I am amazed what I learned in 30 minutes just outstanding information- Just in the first two boot camps- For real thank you- I knew there was a way to make money from home and after 6 months of trail and error I found it. Thankyou for everything. Truthfully I really can't believe this- All the time I wasted, but I'm on my way. The search is over thank you- Ricky Phelps "

- Ricky Phelps hanson, ky usa

"There is so much buildup and rubbish out there, however here is something you can stay with that works. Any business, on the web or disconnected, requires work, assurance and constancy. Nothing will be given to you yet that doesn't mean you should work alone. With WorldProfit they are there consistently. They have the best preparing and assets accessible. I am happy I joined WorldProfit and I would prescribe this program to anybody needing to profit on the web. I cherish WorldProfit and all the people involved, and I am digging in for the long haul. Never surrender since you were destined to be a victor."

- Rick Alison Fredericton, New Brunswick CA
